The Ultimate Guide to Decluttering Your Home in January 2024

By Pauline Callejas In Organization |

January is the perfect month for a fresh start, and what better way to begin the new year than by decluttering your home? The post-holiday period is an ideal time to clear out the old and make room for the new. Here’s how you can efficiently declutter your home this January.

  1. Embrace the New Year Energy
  2. Post-Holiday Declutter
  3. Wardrobe Refresh
  4. Declutter Room by Room
  5. Organize Holiday Gifts
  6. Kitchen Clean-Up
  7. Paperwork Purge
  8. New Year, New Decor
  9. Tech and Electronic Clutter
  10. Create a System for Incoming Items
  11. Involve the Family
  12. Reflect and Reward

1. Embrace the New Year Energy

Write down your goals and set a game plan to get organized in your home this new year.

Use the fresh energy of the new year to motivate your decluttering efforts. Set specific goals and create a plan to tackle different areas of your home throughout the month. Plan your schedule with goal-setting apps like Todoist or Trello.

2. Post-Holiday Declutter

Store your holiday decorations into storage bins and consider putting them away in a storage unit.

Start by taking down your holiday decorations. As you pack them away, discard broken ornaments and donate decorations you no longer love. If space is an issue, consider a storage unit for seasonal items.

3. Wardrobe Refresh

Take the time to go through your clothes and figure out if you’d like to donate or sell the clothes you no longer wear.

January is a great time to organize your wardrobe. With the cold weather still upon us, remove and donate winter clothes you haven’t worn. Keep your wardrobe size in check by following the one in, one out rule. Now’s the time to organize your wardrobe. Donate or sell clothes you no longer need through services like ThredUp.

4. Declutter Room by Room

Declutter each room by putting items in their own containers.

Tackle one room at a time, using organization solutions from The Container Store to maximize your space efficiently and to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Start with high-traffic areas like the living room or kitchen. Spend a day or a weekend on each room, depending on the size and amount of clutter.

5. Organize Holiday Gifts

Store away any gifts you don’t currently need inside a storage unit or donate them.

Find a home for each of your holiday gifts. If you received items you don’t need or want, donate them. For gifts you wish to keep but don’t have immediate use for, a short-term storage option can be a convenient solution.

6. Kitchen Clean Up

Organize the kitchen by decluttering and using containers for your items.

Go through your pantry and fridge. Dispose of expired items and donate non-perishables you won’t use. Reorganize your kitchenware and consider upgrading storage solutions to maximize space. Reorganize your kitchen and pantry. For innovative storage and organization tools, explore Oxo Good Grips.

7. Paperwork Purge

Shred paperwork you no longer need to reduce clutter.

Sort through paperwork that’s accumulated over the past year. Shred unnecessary documents and consider digitizing important papers to reduce clutter. Digitize important documents to reduce clutter, using tools like Evernote.

8. New Year, New Decor

Remove any seasonal items from your home and store them temporarily in a storage unit.

Reevaluate your home decor. Removing a few items can make your space feel larger and more serene. If you’re not ready to part with certain decor items, store them temporarily in a storage unit.

9. Tech and Electronic Clutter

Collect the electronics you no longer use and donate or recycle them.

Gather all unused electronics, cords, and gadgets. Recycle or donate items that no longer serve you. This clears both physical and visual clutter. Recycle unused electronics and gadgets through programs like Best Buy Recycling.

10. Create a System for Incoming Items

Prevent incoming mail or purchases from becoming unwanted clutter by creating a system.

Establish a system for incoming mail, purchases, and other items. Having a designated spot for new things helps prevent clutter from building up again. Manage your mail and purchases effectively. For secure package deliveries, consider Amazon Key.

11. Involve the Family

Get the family involved in cleaning and organizing the home.

Make decluttering a family activity. Assign tasks to each family member and make it fun. This helps maintain the tidiness of your home and teaches everyone the value of an organized space.

12. Reflect and Reward

At the end of January, reflect on the progress you’ve made. Reward yourself for the hard work. This positive reinforcement can encourage you to maintain a decluttered and organized home throughout the year. After a successful decluttering month, reward yourself with a subscription to a mindfulness app like Headspace.

By following these tips, you can start your year on the right foot with a clean, organized, and decluttered home. Remember, the journey to a tidy space is ongoing, but with the right tools and mindset, it can be both fulfilling and enjoyable. Happy decluttering!

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