4 Ways to Live a More Organized Life

A new year means a new opportunity to get organized. But where and how do you start? Many of us set goals and resolutions, only to see them become an afterthought by February. Building new habits and then sticking to them can seem like a tall task, but we’re here to help!
We’ve previously shared tips on how to get organized for summer, and this time we’re going to focus on new habits to build in the beginning of a new year. Below are four specific areas of your life you can focus on in 2023 that will help you reach those goals and live a more organized life.

1. Your Calendar
Heading into 2023, our lives are busier than ever with work events, family gatherings, and after school activities filling up our days. An important way to keep you and your family on track is to establish and consistently use a calendar. Whether you choose a digital app like Cozi Family Organizer or prefer to go old school with a dry erase magnetic calendar on the fridge, start writing down all of your important meetings and events along with start times so everyone in the family knows when and where they need to be.
Pro Tip: Make your calendar even easier to read by assigning a different color or label for each family member. That way anyone can tell who has an appointment or event on any given day with just a quick glance.
2. Your Bedroom
Your bedroom should be considered your personal sanctuary. The one place in your home you can go to unwind after a long day at work to relax and refresh. Nothing can ruin that peaceful vibe faster though, than a room full of clutter. Make it a priority to focus on organizing and keeping your room clean. Start by going through your closets and moving anything you don’t need on a daily or weekly basis into the garage or a storage unit. It may sound like common sense but making your bed every morning can go a long way to establishing that feeling of serenity and comfort. Keep the top of your dressers clear of pocket change and clutter by using a nightstand organizer.
Pro Tip: Help set the mood even more by lighting incense or scented candles whenever you are home.
3. Your Bills
Getting your financial life organized is just as important as getting your physical space organized. Start by taking stock of all of your current expenses and bills by creating a budget using an excel spreadsheet or an app like Mint. If you receive paper bills in the mail, keep all of them in the same place in your home like an office or wherever you normally write checks. Create a folder on your computer to save any digital bills you receive.
Pro Tip: Autopay can be both a blessing and a curse. While It can make it easier to consolidate your bills and never miss a payment, it can also make it easy to forget about recurring charges for services you may no longer use like a video streaming service free trial you signed up for six months ago.
4. Your Goals
Setting goals and resolutions is a New Year’s tradition but finding ways to stick with and complete them is another story. Our first tip may not sound exciting but can be surprisingly effective: Write down and track your goals. Writing these down helps you clarify exactly what you want to achieve as well as making it easier to review and adjust them throughout the year. When you do hit milestones during your progress, take the time to celebrate your wins. Finally, when you face a setback and miss a deadline, don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes and it should be seen as a part of the journey.
Pro Tip: Even if you do run into roadblocks or stumble, the most important step is to make sure you don’t give up on your goal and choosing to continue working towards it. Persistence is the key to success!
Establishing a few of these habits will go a long way to helping you become more organized in 2023 and beyond. Plus be sure to check out the Personal Mini Storage blog for more tips, tricks, and ideas on how you can stay organized every day.