5 Easy Ways To Store Your Halloween Costumes

Every year, October 31st quickly approaches, and come the first of November- you’re stuck with finding a solution for storing your Halloween costumes. Over time, between your children, other family members, and your own costumes, these items can really build up. And how many times are you searching for an accessory to wear this year that you had worn a year or two before, like leggings, hats, tutus, etc.? Start planning now on ways to store these items to make your life that much easier when next Halloween rolls around! Here’s 5 easy ways to store your costumes and accessories!

DIY Dresser
If you have an extra dresser laying around, and don’t mind a small DIY project, try making a fun play piece! Remove the drawers, add some paint and insert a rod to hang up fun princess dresses, superhero outfits, or whatever else you may have been saving up! This dresser can fit perfectly in your children’s bedroom or play room, and will help get a lot of use out of the items, versus storing them away.
For those with extra garage space or an attic, one of the best ways to store costumes is in bins. These bins are typically inexpensive, airtight and keep your items in great shape, even over time. They’re easily stack-able, and are easy to access. Make sure you put labels on them so you know exactly what is in each one!
Vacuum Seal/Plastic Bags
An inexpensive way to keep your Halloween costumes organized is by using vacuum seal bags or Ziploc bags! These items are usually laying around your house, and the best part is they take up little room. Stack them on shelves, put in drawers, under beds, and almost anywhere you’ve got space to store! Remember to grab a sharpie and label, including the type of costume and size.
Towel Rod
Another inexpensive storage idea is buying and installing a towel rod. Like the DIY dresser above, this is a great way to make a fun play area to utilize your costumes throughout the year. Hanging up a rod takes no more than 5 minutes- a quick and easy solution!
Peg Boards
Peg boards have gained popularity over the years, and rightfully so- these boards make organizing 100 times easier. These boards can get hung up on walls, with pegs inserted into the holes in any order you’d like. Add as much or little as you need to hang up various costumes. You can also add shelves, other pegs for accessories, picture frames and more! Peg boards are super versatile, and can be made to fit any style.
Halloween is filled with tons of fun- trick or treating, candy, pumpkins, haunted houses, and the list goes on. But don’t let all the fun get you distracted from keeping organized! Start making your storage plans ahead of time, so you can sit back and relax this Halloween!