6 Expert Tips To Live A Minimalist Life

By Deanna Mooney
In Organization, Storage, Storage Solutions
08 Mar 2018
The minimalist trend is taking the United States by storm- with many people looking for ways to declutter, downsize and live a more simple life. More than ever, people are collecting and accumulating more items, such as clothing, household items, and electronics- but these things are starting to build up and are taking over homes, garages, closets and offices. Whether you’re moving to a smaller place, or just want a less cluttered home, finding ways to live a more minimalist life can be extremely helpful to combat all that clutter. Here’s 6 tips from experts on how to be a minimalist.
Store By Category
While organization may not be your forte, this is a pretty simple minimalist tip to keep you organized. Marie Kondo is a best selling author and lifestyle expert known around the world for her revolutionary ways to minimize clutter, and reminds everyone to keep like items together. Her advice is to stop having things like “junk drawers” or “random bins”, and group like items as much as you can together to avoid misplacing things or keeping unnecessary items.
Experience A Calmer Kitchen By Stowing Inactive Appliances
Minimalist experts Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus have helped over 20 million people live a simpler life, and suggest clearing out clutter in your kitchen to create an organized and calm kitchen environment. Get rid of appliances you never use, and take the items you do utilize, like cutting boards, blenders or food processors, off counters and store in cabinets or a pantry so they’re out of sight.
Fill One Trash bag
Bestselling author of ‘The More of Less’ Joshua Becker knows dozens of ways to help declutter, and one great suggestion is fill one trash bag. If you’re looking for a quick, easy way to declutter, spend a few minutes going around your home, and fill the trash bag with anything you don’t need. Joshua says that while much of what you’ll collect will be trash, this could also be used to fill a bag for Goodwill or another donation center.
Utilize The Hanger Flip Technique
Lifestyle expert Melissa Garcia knows closets can be packed, and utilizes the hanger flip technique. If all of your hangers are hung facing one way, once you wear something, put it back on the hanger and return it facing the opposite direction. After a certain amount of time, whether it be 6 months or a year, check back, and whatever hangers weren’t flipped – you aren’t wearing. Now you’ll know it’s time to get rid of the clothes you haven’t worn, and donate to your local clothing bank.
Rent A Storage Unit
When downsizing your home or cleaning up lots of clutter, many people get stuck with the dilemma- should I keep this or let it go? With a storage unit, you’re able to get the best of both worlds. Storage units are an inexpensive way to keep your home organized. The storage industry has been booming, and according to the Self Storage Association, one out of every 10 households in the country currently rents a unit. Many people are taking advantage of self storage, as experts across the board show that keeping your home clean and organized can have a beneficial and positive impact on your well-being.
Keep Things Off The Floors
It may sound simple, but not placing things on the floors of your home can make a huge difference. Professional organizer Deanne Sharp spends her days cleaning and organizing her clients homes, and makes a point that keeping the floors tidy is a big deal. “I don’t tolerate school bags or shoes on the floor. They know when they come in they need to put them straight in the cupboard” Deanne says on her clients and their families. Like one of her motto’s say, there is a place for everything, and it just takes a little bit of organizing to find a spot for your items.
Getting your home and life more organized starts with small steps, and these few tips can help. Take the advice of some of these organization experts, and you’ll be well on your way to living a more minimalist life!