8 Ways to Use PVC Pipes For Storage This Summer

Summer weather is here and children will be on summer break before you know it. Summer activities are filled with water, dirt, and lots of running around. Keeping the home organized and clean is difficult when you are trying to keep the kids entertained and busy. Shoes track dirt through the home, toys and craft supplies spread everywhere, and water drips from wet bathing suits creating puddles that are waiting to be the cause of a slip and fall accident. You can have a smooth sailing summer using PVC pipes for organization, storage, and summer fun. PVC pipes have many uses, but storage is one that we love! Here are 8 genius ways to use PVC pipes for storage this summer.
1. Toy Storage
Create awesome toy storage to make sure the toys stay organized through out the summer. Outside activities are great for children. Creating storage for their bikes and scooters out of PVC pipe is quick and simple. This will keep the bikes out of the drive way and from possibly being in Dad’s “blind spot” when he backs out in the morning. You could create a ball rack as well. Balls are hard to store with their cylindrical shape. You can’t stack them and only a few will fit in a fairly large basket. This is a great storage solution for all the different sports balls you have in your garage! Reading is another activity that is great for children over the summer. Though school is out, it is important to continue their education to make sure they will excel in school next year. You can create a book rack for some of their favorite books. This makes it easy for the children to reach and grab a book independently.
2. Shoe Storage
Children are constantly in an out of the house during the summer. Coming from the front yard to the back yard, coming inside for a quick snack, and bringing friends over from the neighborhood. Keeping shoes out of the door way will create a more organized and clean home. No more tripping over shoes if you create one of these impressive shoe racks out of PVC pipes. It also keeps dirt from getting tracked through the house. Just what you need, less cleaning more relaxing!
3. Arts and Crafts Storage
Arts and crafts is always a fun summer activity! Children can be creative and create awesome art work for mom and dad to hang on the wall. PVC pipes, like this caddy above, can store your art supplies and help keep them organized. People also use the pipes to hold tapes or ribbons. You can create a caddy or you can create a smaller version of the PVC pipe shoe holder to put on a desk. Store markers, pens, crayons, paints, scissors, paint brushes, and pencils all in your personalized PVC arts and crafts organizer!
4. Pool Storage
Water activities are a must in the Florida summer days. Submerging your body in water is about the only thing that will keep you cool. Keeping towels, noodles, and rafts off the ground can be simple with these racks. These PVC pipe racks are large enough to store all of your pool necessities. You could even hang baskets from the top for smaller toy storage and a place to put your hats and sunscreen.
5. Small Tool Storage
Small tools seem to get mixed around the garage and put in places where they don’t belong. To keep out of reach from children this summer create tool storage with PVC pipe. Children will be in and out of the garage for toys and bikes, so keeping tools like drills and screw drivers out of reach is important.
6. Bin Storage
All those Christmas, Easter, and Halloween decorations can be stored away for now. Usually this ends up in bins stacked high in the garage or on the back porch. Creating a shelving from PVC pipe can help you organize and store the bins safely. You want your bins to be stabilized, especially when you have children running around all summer. They are at risk of falling over on someone when they are not stored properly. It will create an organizational system so when the holidays do come rolling in quicker then expected you will be ready to find just the bin you need.
7. Large Tool Storage
Gardening and yard work can become a great family activity over the summer months. Little ones don’t mind digging in the dirt and mom sure would love some new flowers before winter weather comes around. You can store the larger tools like rakes, shovels, and brooms in PVC pipes. This will keep the garage clean and organized through out the summer!
8. Fun, Fun, Fun!
This might not have a large amount of storage but when kids have sleepovers they will love it! They can store their sleeping bags, books, extra blankets and pillows in the tent. There tends to be a lot of sleepovers during the summer months so having these items in handy, especially in a cool play house, will be beneficial. You could make a house or a reading tee-pee out of PVC pipes and the children will be entertained on rainy days!