Category: Seasonal

Your Orlando Summer Gardening Guide

By Chris Romero In Seasonal |

Guest Post by Caroline Gray You’ve got your marigold seeds, columbine, and blanket flowers all ready to put in the ground. If only you could find your spade, trowel, and shovel. They’re probably piled up in the garage, under the bicycles, and other stuff taking up space. By the time you’ve dug out all the…

5 Summer Storage Tips For College Students

By Chris Romero In Seasonal |

Between social distancing and virtual classes, it’s been a very unusual year for college students. As the spring semester comes to a close, it’s time to start thinking about how and where to store your belongings over summer break. The good news is that with a little planning, summer storage can be much easier than final exams,…

Hurricane Season: How You Need To Prepare

By Deanna Mooney In Seasonal |

As of June 1st, hurricane season is back again. While hurricane season can be long (it officially goes through November 30th), it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. A hurricane can quickly cause widespread devastation, but planning and preparing can make a big difference in the case of an emergency. Here’s 6 important ways…

6 Ways To Get Super Organized Before Summer

By Deanna Mooney In Seasonal |

Can you believe the summer months are already almost here? Neither can we! Summertime can be filled with wonderful things like vacations, beach days, kids camps and so much more. Getting prepared now can help make your summer a relaxing and stress-free time! Here’s 6 ways to get super organized before the summer fun starts….