Personal Mini Storage Blog

Latest from Personal Mini Storage
06 Sep
Top 6 Orlando Area Neighborhoods For Young Adults

It’s estimated that over the next five years, 388,270 people will be moving to the Orlando area, bringing the population to 2.8 million. With strong job growth, local colleges and universities and a huge tourism industry, an influx of young adults will be moving or staying in or around Orlando. If you’re looking to move to...

06 Jun
Hurricane Season: How You Need To Prepare

As of June 1st, hurricane season is back again. While hurricane season can be long (it officially goes through November 30th), it’s best to be prepared ahead of time. A hurricane can quickly cause widespread devastation, but planning and preparing can make a big difference in the case of an emergency. Here’s 6 important ways...

11 May
6 Ways To Get Super Organized Before Summer

Can you believe the summer months are already almost here? Neither can we! Summertime can be filled with wonderful things like vacations, beach days, kids camps and so much more. Getting prepared now can help make your summer a relaxing and stress-free time! Here’s 6 ways to get super organized before the summer fun starts....

17 Apr
Win An Amazon Echo Spot This Summer With Personal Mini Storage!

Summer is approaching which means it’s time for college students to store your belongings over summer break! Starting April 1st until May 31st, rent a storage unit with us and ‘share’ our pinned contest post on our Facebook page to be entered to win an Amazon Echo Spot!  View our Facebook contest post here Rules: Contest...

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